Thursday, June 25, 2020

Read Aging In Place Free

Are you searching for Aging In Place ?

Author : Donna Christner-Lile
Publisher : Tate Publishing
Total Pages : 80

Do you want to live in your home forever and not worry about your health or your age?Aging in Placeis the perfect resource, offering complete instructions for the safe and healthy way to successfully make that happen. Whether you are a senior citizen who faces the prospect of moving out of your home, an adult who wants to avoid this happening in the future, or a senior adult caregiver, this book is for you. Aging in Place offers assistance in: • Questions to ask your doctor to prepare for your life at home • Building your support system for a peaceful future • A home-safety checklist • Financial issues to consider • And more As aging-in-place concerns become a priority for seniors, useful and accessible information is essential for a healthy and smart transition. This book is an excellent self-assessment, with tips on working with family and local social services for elders. Aging In Place is your reference manual for successfully living at home forever.

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