Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Read Explorations Activities for Freitags Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers A Process Approach Free

Are you searching for Explorations Activities for Freitags Mathematics for Elementary School Teachers A Process Approach ?

Author : Mark A. Freitag
Publisher : Brooks Cole
Total Pages : 464

To facilitate those instructors that use a more hands-on approach to teaching, an extensive Exploration Activities manual accompanies the text. The manual contains a variety of explorations for each section, which are referenced in the text by an icon in the margin. Some explorations deal directly with the content of the chapter, often making use of relevant manipulatives or other hands-on activities. Other explorations extend the content of the section either mathematically or by building a connection to the K - 8 classrooms. Most of the explorations can be done individually or with groups and should take about 30 - 45 minutes to complete.

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