Thursday, June 25, 2020

Read The Ultimate Deep Fryer Recipe Collection Free

Looking for The Ultimate Deep Fryer Recipe Collection ?

Author : Kitchen Kreations
Publisher : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Total Pages : 170

Throw aside that diet book and join the hot craze that is deep-frying! Recipes for Deep Fryer will acquaint you with great recipes for cooking in a deep fryer. The high cooking temperature of deep frying seals in flavor and texture and seals out extra fat, resulting in juicy, succulent meats, crunchy vegetables, and satisfying breads and desserts. Inside Recipes for Deep Fryer, you are sure to find a recipe that will have you deep frying all the time! Great recipes like: Almond Fried Ice Cream, Banana Velvet Doughnuts, Cajun Deep Fried Turkey, Cranberry Fritters, Curried Chicken Squares, Deep Fried Dill Pickle Fondue Balls, Deep Fried Oreos, Deep Fried Oysters, Farmhouse Fried Pork and Apples, Fried Catfish Nuggets, Fried Eggplant or Zucchini, Fried Empanadas with Beef or Chicken Filling, Homemade Potato Chips, Pineapple Drumsticks, Spicy Hot Chicken Bits, Toffee Apples and Bananas, Twice Fried Shredded Beef, Veggie Fritters with Thai Peanut Sauce, Warm Springs Fried Bread and many more.

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