Monday, June 22, 2020

Read Julie and Romeo Get Lucky Free

Trying to find Julie and Romeo Get Lucky ?

Author : Jeanne Ray
Publisher : Gallery Books
Total Pages : 277

Julie Roseman and Romeo Cacciamani know a thing or two about good fortune. For generations, their families were rival florists and bitter enemies. Then Julie and Romeo met by chance, just as each became single again. Even more miraculous, they fell in love. Three years later, Julie and Romeo are still blissfully happy. They dont often get a quiet moment alone, and rarely manage a night -- quiet or otherwise -- in the same bed, but Julie feels blessed by what they do have: true love, wonderful jobs, and houses packed to the rafters with family. Romeos ninety-three-year-old mother, his son Alan, Alans wife and their three children live with him; Julies daughter Sandy and her family -- including Sandys Willy Wonka-obsessed daughter, Sarah, and their cat -- live with her. The odds of Julie and Romeo getting a few days of peace together seem about as likely as winning the lottery. But their wish comes true -- with a twist -- when an injury puts Romeo flat on his back in Julies room. Spending days in bed may sound heavenly, but with Romeo on pain pills, initially as comatose as Juliet in her tomb, the reality is less romantic. Then Julies other daughter, Nora, drops her own crisis on her mothers doorstep. Now Julie has to figure out how to run two flower shops, take care of an ever-expanding household, nurse her beloved Romeo back to health, tackle Sarahs fixation with lottery tickets, and keep her daughters from regressing into full-scale teenage bickering. And Lady Luck has one more surprise in store.... Wonderfully witty and unerringly wise, Julie and Romeo Get Lucky is a smart, heartwarming story of timeless love and family loyalty, and a reminder that if you suddenly get everything you ever wished for, the only thing to do is live happily ever after.

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