Thursday, June 25, 2020

Read Savour Salads for All Seasons Free

Trying to find Savour Salads for All Seasons ?

Author : Peter Gordon
Publisher : Jacqui Small
Total Pages : 272

What defines a salad? Is it merely a few ingredients tossed together in a bowl with a dressing, or is it more complex than that? Acclaimed chef Peter Gordon shows us that salads are versatile and fun dishes that harmoniously combine a mixture of individually prepared ingredients, that when coming together, can either be very similar in texture and colour, or ones that oppose each other—such as crunch supporting smooth. Peter demonstrates how salads can be made to suit your mood; some salads are perfectly crafted assemblages, whilst others are quickly put together. By adding a contrasting flavour or texture to a mix, it can often highlight other ingredients in the same dish. Throughout the recipes within Vibrant Salads, you'll discover that it is the shock of a sweet roast grape that highlights sharp citrus notes, or a spicy chilli being used to add excitement to a sweet mango. Peter's salads are wide-ranging and the recipes within Vibrant Salads reflect this; from vegetarian dishes such as aubergine with gem, quinoa and pistachio, to red meat based salads such as poached veal with anchovy mayonnaise and potatoes. Whatever your mood, the occasion or season, there will always be a saladto complement it.

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