Sunday, June 21, 2020

Read Strength of the Mate Free

Are you searching for Strength of the Mate ?

Author : Kendall McKenna
Publisher : MLR Press
Total Pages : 414

Rampaging werewolves cause the True Alpha to send his Omega, Dawson Rivers, to bring them under control. Can Adam Madison help or hinder Dawsons mission? Adam Madison is in Iraq, driving supply trucks for the Marines, but he still cant outrun his personal ghosts. Outside the wire, insurgents are a relentless threat. Inside, renegade werewolves are a constant danger. Dawson Rivers is on a mission for the True Alpha---bring the rampaging shifters under control. Adam proves to be invaluable to his task. Their intense mutual attraction explodes into a powerful physical, and emotional connection. Their future together is in peril, when Adams convoy is ambushed.Can they learn to rely on the strength of their bond? Adam staying alive long enough for Dawson to find him depends on it.

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